This is another DigiPen project. I created it over the course of the week with many ups and downs and changes in plans. By far my most helpful resources were Sebastian Lague, Brackeys, GameDevAcadamy, RedBlobGames, Stack Overflow and the unity forums, and of course the built in documentation.

This generator uses Perlin noise octaves to cerate a 2d array that is then normalized and use to define heights of a mesh generated using a heavily refactored and edited version of one used in this Brackeys tutorial. The rest of the code is designed by me while referencing the other mentioned materials. 

I hope you have fun with the tool! Feel free to mess around- there's a lot of cool stuff you can do here. I am hoping to continue with this project in the future and work on adding valleys, biomes, and more. I'd love to hear what you think and please let me know if you find any bugs.

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